Back to Basics: Reach Our Potential with The Five Pillars
Guest Blog
For this week’s blog, we are going outside the sports nutrition box and looking at overall wellness. I’ve enlisted the help of a former running mate and current personal trainer and health and lifestyle coach, Danya Ossip-Richmor. Here Danya talks about how to easily incorporate a holistic approach to wellness into your everyday life with her five pillars of health. We know that positive changes in exercise performance come from nutrition and our workout regimes. What we often underestimate is the need also to address life stressors when we are reaching for our performance goals. Danya’s approach focuses on each of the elements we can touch on to achieve a healthy lifestyle and is a refreshing break from our usual strategy. Here is Danya’s project, in her own words.
My passion-project, Reach Our Potential, is aimed at shining the light on the extraordinary within all of us! To do this, we must start from the inside out. So, yes, here I am, with the five-pillar method. My mind, body and spirit initiative will guide you towards uncovering your true superpowers. In no particular order, because of their true interconnectedness, are our building blocks. Nutrition, movement, genuine human interaction, “om” time, and sleep. My goal is that these five pillars are as habit-forming as brushing your teeth.
Here are some baby-steps within each pillar to help you to start moving in the right direction.
It is as simple as just eating real food. I want you to eat the way we were intended to. How close to the ground or the tree is the item I am about to put in my mouth? A kale chip is not the same as fresh kale! If you need help reinvigorating your diet, consider seeking the expertise of a dietitian.
An interesting study in Health Psychology looked into the invisible benefits of exercise. Researchers found that if you increase your expected enjoyment of exercise, you will also benefit from an increased intention to exercise. In other words, if you think you are going to like to workout, you will do it more often!
So, I want you to try all forms of movement and have fun doing it. Run, swim, dance, lift weights or go to a yoga class. Don’t be afraid to try new things or classes- give yourself permission to go once and not feel like you have to commit long term. Maybe you want to know what Tai Chi is all about but one class will do it. Explore, experiment – just move!
Keep your bedroom cell-free! Unplug at least one hour before bedtime and charge your devices outside of your sleeping sanctuary. A 2011 study by the National Sleep Foundation found that people who use interactive technology, like cell phones, before bed had more difficulty falling asleep, and a enjoy less restful sleep.
“OM” Time
Photo by Jared Rice
Sit in silence for one-minute each day. This practice helps combat burnout and fatigue. Once you have this down you can add a few more minutes to your daily meditation practice to enjoy the full benefits of quiet time. A new study describes how just 13-minutes of meditation daily for eight weeks can improve attention and memory and reduce anxiety.
Genuine Human Interaction
Genuine human interaction is the engine of our souls! Look, everyone, you meet in a day in the eye. Say please and thank you and truly mean it.
My goal is to make these five pillars attainable and achievable for everyone. I want you to aim for slow and steady habit-forming practices. We all Reach Our Potential by putting one baby step in front of the other.
About Danya Ossip-Richmor – Danya is a former senior kindergarten teacher who stayed home to raise my two children. She studied exercise at night at Ryerson and certified as a personal trainer. Danya also became a certified yoga instructor and a Lululemon ambassador. She then taught various exercise and parenting classes all over the city. Ten years ago, she built her studio, Being the Best You Training, working one-on-one with clients looking to “feel good.” She quickly realized that she was much more beneficial as a health and lifestyle coach. Danya has a lifelong love of learning and devours all of the latest research on exercise, nutrition, parenting, and lifestyle.