Sodium Bicarbonate for Endurance Athletes: Does it Actually Work?
Have you heard the buzz about sodium bicarbonate? Could it give you an edge? This blog explains how and when sodium bicarbonate may enhance athletic performance and whether it is helpful for long-duration exercise sessions.
4 Simple Tips to Crush Travel Nutrition
Travelling as an athlete can be exhilarating yet challenging, especially when maintaining optimal nutrition. Whether you're jet-setting for competitions or simply exploring new training grounds, prioritizing your dietary needs is essential for peak performance. Here are four simple tips to help athletes crush their travel nutrition game.
5 Sports Supplements that Boost Performance
Take your game to the next level with 5 sports supplements that boost performance. Healthy everyday eating is number one when it comes to successful sports performance. Period. You can’t beat a poor diet with supplements and vitamin pills, though many athletes try this approach. Even so, some supplements may be useful for the athlete that has checked all of the usual nutrition boxes.
3 Vitamins and Minerals that Athletes Need
You don’t need to take vitamin and mineral supplements, most of the time. Taking multiple supplements to equal a healthy diet is the same as practising individual ball skills and drills but never playing a game. The sum of the parts does not equal the whole. Regularly taking a B-complex vitamin won’t make you fast like Usain Bolt any more than practising your jump shot thousands of times will make you an NBA legend like Michael Jordan.
Loading Carbs for Race Day
Carbohydrates are your primary fuel source for long efforts. Countdown to race day with these valuable race week carb-boosting nutrition tips.
Race Day Nutrition
Despite athletes investing all of this time and effort, it may surprise many readers that recent studies have found that most athletes do not meet their recommended nutrition needs during a race.
Six Surprising Solutions for Athlete Gut Troubles
Well-tolerated food and fluids are those that either minimize the effects of exercise on the gut or work in spite of the gut changes. Let’s have a look at the causes, and some tricks and tips that may help avoid that dreaded competition day on the toilet or in the bushes.
Ace Your Fuel for the Next Wimbledon –Part 2
To ensure your body is well prepared for match days and can meet unpredictable fuelling demands, plan your nutritional strategies early. Read on for our top tips on tennis nutrition for competition.
The Rise of Energy Deficiency in Athletes
Previously, RED-S (or Relative Energy Deficiency of Sports) was known as the Female Athlete Triad. The term RED-S was coined by health professionals after it was recognized both males and females are affected by energy deficiency in sport.
Ace Your Fuel for the Next Wimbledon! – Part 1
Unlike many other sports, tennis is played year-round without a clear on and offseason. This means players can be training and playing continuously, with little time off. Proper tennis nutrition for training strategies can help you stay healthy and support your performance throughout the year.
Track On: Packing for Race Day
My pre-race routine has become an essential ritual that assures I can focus on what is important the day of my race. Creating this routine started with the primary intention of ensuring I did not forget any critical gear but soon turned into a combined diet and mentality routine.
What’s All the Buzz?
The pros and cons of caffeine consumption are hotly debated. Research regarding caffeine and exercise is evolving. Even so, the evidence for its benefits is better than that of most other sports performance aids.
Bodybuilding Nutrition 101: The Ins and Outs of Bulking
As bodybuilding becomes more main-stream, the scientific community becomes more interested in developing research-based recommendations. This is a plus for all of you who are looking for the latest and greatest nutrition information to maximize your gains to become the next Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, or Terry Crews.
World Cup 2018: Nutrition for Soccer Players
Different sports, as well as different positions within a sport, require different amounts of nutrients due to factors like distance covered or speed or muscle needed…
Nutrition to Fuel Your Stanley Cup Dream
Drilling down on hockey nutrition to fuel your Stanley Cup dream isn’t hard. Knowing what to do means breaking down the basics of the game.
Home Run Nutrition: What 5 Pro Baseball Players Eat
The importance of balanced nutrition is not lost on baseball superstars. So what do baseball players eat? Here we look at five players who make good food a priority on and off the diamond.
Reasons for Athlete Gut Troubles Revealed
Stomach trouble during exercise got you down? You aren’t alone. Athlete gut trouble is common. Studies suggest that on average, between 30 to 50% of all athletes experience some form of gastrointestinal (GI) distress.
My Top Ten Favourite Snacks that Unlock the Potential of Food
We are celebrating Nutrition Month 2019 by helping Canadians unlock the potential of food to fuel, discover, prevent, heal and bring us together. Dietitians are key.
6 Simple Diet Changes Athletes Can Make that Celebrities Swear By
Ring in the New Year with a fresh diet start. For most athletes I’m not talking “big bold throw everything out in your cupboards changes” – you’d be surprised how little tweaks...
Transition Nutrition: Tips for Staying Fit in the Off-Season
he off-season is the perfect time to get your nutrition regime in order and lay the foundation for the next season. Follow these smart steps so that you can enter your future training and competition season in your best shape yet.